Voz da Terra

Choice is one of the keys to Change. At certain moments in life, each person is called to maintain the standards according to their heritage or to break out into an unknown Sea of ​​infinite possibilities.

Living Love... the Lume of Presence, the one that lives beyond the temporal and momentary impression, the one that sees the exuberance in the features of a true look! That Life Love that is sufficient for itself, that feels the intense Intimacy in the pulsation of the Uterine Heart, knowing it within the Cosmic Heart! Living Love, the Sensuality of...

Images of a devastating earthquake move inside me, making my body cry and move with the sadness of human lives taken... and the joy of other lives found in the middle of stacked walls... Faced with such a tragedy, there is so much that it is moved within us! Emotions, sensations, ideas... The shock is collective and appeals to the...

Ariel segura a minha mão para oferecer-me um verso - Uma floresta inteira no pulso da tua vida e no centro da floresta o teu ouro - Eu Sou.

Sound, as a substance that vivifies our Body, has the Power to transport us to very deep places, which relate to Oneness, ours and that of the collective. The Song of the Forest is that Sound that takes us to the Center of Breathing. Root and Sap nourish the dance and the scream that opens with all its pure Power!...

Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine coexist in all human beings. I choose to use the word Sacred because it relates to my personal choice to embrace the Mystery in my life, to embrace everything I don't know in an exciting way, knowing that I am part of something much bigger than myself, but also knowing that I I myself have...

Today, when I looked at a detail of my wrinkles, which stood out to me, I felt something difficult to describe. But I'm going to try, because I feel like it's worth it, even if the words fall short of what I feel! For as long as I've been on this planet, the beauty of the body has been a...

And when the selfishness of others is the Hand of Life giving you a nice push so that you are truly Free? As a collective consciousness, we are all heirs of someone who gave up their Voice, someone who sacrificed themselves, someone who stopped believing in themselves and their gifts, someone who gave in to the pressure of circumstances and...

Jesusin my Heart, the Impetus of Movement, the Strength, the Joy, the Faith, the Divine Love!

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