Voz da Terra

There are premonitions that run through our body that confirm our Belonging to the immense Kingdom of Divine Love, a pulse that we capture in our sensations when we let Him Be Who He Is... the Pure Animal, Bridge between Heaven and Earth! Surrendered to the Mystery, I feel what is not translated... to give Life to a new Heart, a Novaterra! ...

Today I saw my body at the bottom of a lake. Mud and darkness were ingrained matter in my limbs. As the breath released fragments of pain and everything else that rhymes with attachment, the body ascended to the white surface, a lunar whiteness, the door or mirror that only reflects an Intact substance.

What did you say the first moment you felt inside your mother's womb? I felt that moment, when my soul entered my mother's womb. I felt like I said words of Love and promises of Eternal Love: "Mom, I'm here to make you happy! Mom, I'll be happy with you by your side, because I'm here to make you happy!"...

Do you consider yourself a manipulative person? What if I say that we are all manipulators, and throughout our lives, we learn to manipulate others for the sake of our emotional interests. I do not want to judge anyone, not even myself, it is a recognition that Existence on Planet Earth is immersed in dense layers of ignorance. Right from...

At 18 I felt such a great love within me that I had an epiphany. I had always heard that God was Love. If I felt that Love so Immense within me, and if God was Love, then God was within me.

No lugar húmido e escuro da caverna, as mãos da Alma tocam toda a superfície da rocha, por vezes raspando as unhas contra a pedra, para ter a certeza de que está a sentir a superfície do negro. Aqui e aqui! Está aqui o Lugar! AQUI, é este o movimento que dá a sentir o que é nosso, tão nosso...

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